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Function kcHttpPercentDecode

The function kcHttpPercentDecode converts percent-encoded characters, which are contained in the given character strings, in their normal one-character representation.

In the URL of an HTTP request, individual characters can be contained in their percent-encoded representation. This mechanism is described in more detail in RFC 3986 "Uniform Resource Identifier". Certain US ASCII characters are represented in their sedecimal representation. Such a substitute representation is preceded by a percent sign ("%"); e.g. a space can be represented as %20 or the character tilde ("~") by the character string %7E.
The function kcHttpPercentDecode can be used to normalize the query of an HTTP request.

Function declaration kcHttpPercentDecode
typedef enum
   {  KC_HTTP_NORM_MINIMUM                                              =  1
    , KC_HTTP_NORM_SPACE_ONLY                                           =  2
    , KC_HTTP_NORM_UNRESERVED                                           =  4
    , KC_HTTP_NORM_RESERVED                                             =  8
    , KC_HTTP_NORM_ALL_BUT_PERCENT                                      = 16
    , KC_HTTP_NORM_ALL                                                  = 32
   } kc_http_norm;
kc_http_retcode kcHttpPercentDecode( kc_http_norm  normFlags,
                                     char *        bufferUrl,
                                     int           inputLth,
                                     int *         outputLth
This function has following parameters:
Value from enum kc_http_norm which determines the scope of the requested decoding.
The pointer to a buffer in which the encoded string is passed and the decoded string is returned. The buffer must be at least inputLth bytes long.
The length of the encoded string.
The pointer to a variable in which the length of the decoded string is returned.
The parameter normFlags defines the scope of the requested decoding.

normFlags can have the following values:


With this value, only "case normalization" is performed, i.e. the two letters following a % character are converted to capital letters..


With this value, in addition to KC_HTTP_NORM_MINIMUM, all "%20" encodings are replaced by spaces.


With this value, in addition to KC_HTTP_NORM_SPACE_ONLY, all percent-encoded Unreserved Characters are replaced by their "normal" one-character representation. For the definition of Unreserved Characters see RFC 3986 "Uniform Resource Identifier".


With this value, in addition to KC_HTTP_NORM_UNRESERVED, all percent-encoded Reserved Characters are replaced by their "normal" one-character representation. For the definition of Reserved Characters see RFC 3986 "Uniform Resource Identifier".


With this value, in addition to KC_HTTP_NORM_RESERVED, all percent-encoded characters except %25 ("%") are replaced by their "normal" one-character representation.


With this value, all percent-encoded characters are replaced by their "normal" one-character representation.

Meaning of returned value of function call:


The function has successfully terminated.


The pointer to the buffer bufferUrl or the pointer to the length of the decoded string outputLth is NULL.


The length of the encoded string inputLth is lower 0 or the encoded string contains a null byte (\0).


An invalid value was passed in parameter normFlags or an error occurred during normalization.


The encoded string contains a percent sign ("%") but one of the next two characters is not a printable hexadecimal number.