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Format names for message exchange with UPIC clients

Program units that are written for the formatted dialog with terminals can also be used for the dialog with UPIC clients without any changes. In this case, however, a formatting system is not called. Net messages or message segments and format names are exchanged between openUTM and the UPIC client. openUTM functions in the same manner when reading the message as when reading segment formats, i.e. if an incorrect format identifier was specified for MGET, then openUTM sets the return code to 03Z, returns the correct format identifier in KCRMF/kcrfn and sets KCRLM to 0. Nothing is entered in the message area.
The UPIC client can then set up the screen interface based, for example, on the format name.

It is also possible to position the cursor in a program using "KDCSCUR" when outputting a message to the UPIC client.

A UPIC client can pass the value of a function key to a UTM application so that the return code generated for this function key is triggered when an MGET is executed in the program unit (see the SFUNC statement generation, RET parameter).

See the manual „openUTM-Client for the UPIC Carrier System” for more detailed information.