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Print jobs

You use the FPUT or DPUT message queuing calls to create print jobs (see section "Messages to UTM-controlled queues" and chapter "KDCS calls"). Here you have to specify the LTERM name of the printer in the KCRN field. openUTM enters the job in the corresponding queue.

You can

  • use a single FPUT or DPUT call (NE in KCOM field) to generate a print job or

  • construct print jobs using multiple FPUT or DPUT calls (for message segments): NT in KCOM field and NE for the last FPUT or DPUT call.

openUTM handles the message segments of a print job as one entity when determining print sequences or for error handling. With printer pools, openUTM sends all the message segments of a job to one printer.

You can either print out in line mode.

On BS2000 systems you can output print jobs in format mode.

On BS2000 systems it is also possible with RSO printers to pass a parameter list to RSO using FPUT RP or DPUT RP. RSO changes the parameter settings depending on the particular printer type.

Administering message queues and printer control

You use the KDCS call DADM (see "DADM Administer message queues") to administer the UTM-controlled message queues which contain the print jobs and are assigned to the LTERM partner.

With the DADM (delayed free message administration) call, you can:

  • read information about jobs of a message queue into the message area

  • change the processing sequence of jobs of a message queue

  • delete individual jobs or an entire message queue

  • move defective messages from the dead letter queue

You can use the KDCS call PADM for printer control.
With PADM (printer administration) you can:

  • activate or deactivate the confirmation mode for a printer control LTERM

  • confirm or repeat a print out

  • modify the assignment of the printer to an LTERM partner

  • change the printer status, i.e. lock and release the printer, establish or cancel connection to a printer

  • read information about a printer into the message area

  • read information about print outs to be confirmed

For detailed information about the administration of message queues, the execution of print outs and printer control options refer to the openUTM manual “Administering Applications”.

Avoiding bottlenecks during high volume printing

The message queues are stored in the Pagepool of the KDCFILE. To avoid bottleneck situations when printing high volumes and to avoid a Pagepool overflow, you can make the following provisions in the program unit or at generation.

  • In the program unit:

    Evaluate the return code 40Z/K701 after FPUT/DPUT calls to printers or the "K041 warning level # for PAGEPOOL exceeded" message in an MSGTAC program unit and, for example:

    • establish a connection to the printer for which there are many messages available so that the messages can be printed and then deleted by openUTM

    • or delete FPUT via the DADM administration, or block TACs that send FPUTs to the printer.

  • For each generation:

    • use QLEV= (LTERM statement) to establish the maximum number of messages which openUTM can temporarily store in a message queue. Print jobs are not taken into account until end of transaction. openUTM rejects further messages to this printer with 40Z.

    • use QAMSG= (LTERM statement) to determine whether messages to a printer which is not connected to the application are to be buffered.

    • estimate the necessary, additional space for printer messages in Pagepool and enter a sufficiently high value in the PGPOOL operand of the MAX statement, for recommendations see the openUTM manual “Generating Applications”.