Creating entries in the subsystem catalog for openUTM
The UTM system code runs as a UTM subsystem of the BS2000 operating system. The entire UTM system code including the mapping module and the UTM-D modules is loaded by BS2000 subsystem management (DSSM).
The system administrator can modify the subsystem catalog during operation. SSD objects (subsystem declaration objects) are supplied with openUTM. Using these SSD objects, the system administrator can create an entry for the UTM subsystem in the subsystem catalog.
The following SSD objects are supplied with openUTM V7.0:
File | Implementation |
SYSSSC.UTM.070.190 | openUTM on BS2000 OSD/BC V10.0 (on servers with /390 and x86 architecture) |
SYSSSC.UTM.070.200 | openUTM on BS2000 OSD/BC V11.0 (on servers with /390 and x86 architecture) |
The UTM-D modules are contained in the delivery package.
The following default settings apply in the subsystem catalog entry created by the system administrator with these SSD objects:
Load time:
The UTM subsystem must be explicitly loaded with the START-SUBSYSTEM command:/START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYSTEM-NAME=UTM, VERSION=’
07.0’Installation user ID: *DEFAULT-USERID
Load library:
SYSLNK.UTM.070.TPR on servers with /390 architecture
SKMLNK.UTM.070.TPR on servers with x86 architecture
REP file: SYSREP.UTM.070
The system administrator can modify these default values using the command MODIFY-SUBSYSTEM-PARAMETER. For details, refer to the "IMON" user manual.