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Actions global to the cluster and actions local to a node

You must distinguish between actions which apply globally and actions which apply locally when administering a UTM cluster application.

Actions that are global to the cluster

Actions that are global to the cluster apply to every node application. This is irrespective of whether the node application is currently active or not. All node applications subsequently perform these changes on the basis of the administration journal (see the section ""Administration journal").

Global administrative changes can be, for example:

  • changing the password for a user ID

  • replacing the application program or parts of the application program during live operation

  • generating objects

  • deleting objects from the configuration

Actions local to the node

Actions local to the node only applied to the node application in which these actions are performed.

Administrative changes local to the node can be, for example:

  • terminating an individual node application

  • establishment of a connection using the administration facilities

You will find information on which actions apply globally to the cluster or locally to the node in the description of the operation codes or the data structures in the openUTM manual “Administering Applications”.