It is possible to define the individual privileges (e.g. TSOS, USER-ADMINISTRATION or SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION) that a user ID requires in order to work with specific objects (domains, programs, commands, statements, operands and operand values). Consequently, all objects can be defined in a single syntax file to which all users have access. A user request cannot access an object unless it possesses at least one of the privileges allocated to the object. A user request can have more than one privilege.
Privileges are keywords. Possible privileges are discussed in the “Introductory guide to systems support” [6 (Related publications)]; note that meaning of privileges also depend on the software installed (for example the HSMS-ADMINISTRATION and VM2000-ADMINISTRATION privileges).
Privileges are allocated to an object by SDF-A by means of a suitable ADD statement and modified by means of a suitable MODIFY statement.
Only those objects for which the user has the requisite privileges and can therefore access are displayed in a guided dialog.