When the transmit (
) key is pressed, SDF again displays the command menu for the application domain FILE. Under medium user guidance this comprises a number of pages. The first page is displayed. Unlike the menu displayed by SDF under minimum user guidance, this menu includes explanations of the commands (help texts). In all higher guidance levels the possible control statements are also displayed after the NEXT line in the Styleguide mode set here.Figure 31: Command menu for the application domain FILE
Entering “++
” in the NEXT line causes SDF to scroll to the end of the menu.
SDF displays the last page of the command menu for the application domain FILE.
Figure 32: Command menu for the application domain FILE
Entering “-” (alternative: key) causes SDF to scroll back one page in the menu.
Figure 33: Command menu for the application domain FILE
Entering “-” (alternative: key) causes SDF to scroll back one page in the menu.
Figure 34: Command menu for the application domain FILE
Entering “-”(alternative: key) causes SDF to scroll back one page in the menu.
Figure 35: Command menu for the application domain FILE
Entering “46” calls up the operand form for the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command.
SDF displays the operand form for the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command. Unlike the form for minimum user guidance, this form includes data on the permissible operand values. The parentheses following the *BY-ATTRIBUTES value indicate that *BY-ATTRIBUTES initiates a structure with its own form.
Figure 36: Operand form for the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command
“test.example.” is entered as the FILE-NAME operand value. The default value ALL of the SELECT operand is overwritten with “by” (BY-ATTRIBUTES). Display of a subform for the associated structure is suppressed by the parentheses. Entering “file-struc=(i,s)” assigns the FILE-STRUCTURE operand the values *ISAM and *SAM. It is essential here to enclose the two values in parentheses: “(i,s)”. Any “Next-cmd” command may be entered in the NEXT line, regardless of the application domain, and it will be executed after execution of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command. The “Next-cmd” entered here is the MODIFY-SDF-OPTIONS command (“mod-sdf-opt guid=max”). This causes a switch to dialog with maximum user guidance. Sending off the form first causes the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command to be executed. The system displays the required information. Then the user guidance level is changed. The dialog is resumed by pressing the transmit (
) key.% 33 :2OSG:$USER1.TEST.EXAMPLE.1