The SHOW statement can be used to output the contents of a syntax file to SYSOUT or SYSLST. The output can be interrupted, restarted, or aborted with the
key.SHOW |
OBJECT = *GLOBAL-INFORMATION / *DOMAIN(...) / *COMMAND(...) / *PROGRAM(...) *DOMAIN(...) NAME = *ALL(...) / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *ALL(...) EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *COMMAND(...) NAME = *ALL(...) / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *ALL(...) EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *PROGRAM(...) NAME = *ALL(...) / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> *ALL(...) EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> / list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30> ,ATTACHED-INFORMATION = *YES / *NO / *IMMEDIATE ,SIZE = *MINIMUM / *MAXIMUM / *MEDIUM ,IMPLEMENTATION-INFO = *NO (...) *NO(...) FORM = *UNGUIDED / *GUIDED ,LANGUAGE = E / <name 1..1> ,LINES-PER-PAGE = *STD / *UNLIMITED(...) / <integer 1..200> *UNLIMITED(...) OUTPUT-FORM = *STD / *FOR-INPUT ,OUTPUT = *SYSOUT / *SYSLST(...) *SYSLST(...) SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / <integer 1..99> ,LINE-LENGTH = *STD / <integer 72..132> ,PRIVILEGE = *ANY / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30> |
Type of object whose definition is to be output.
The global information of the syntax file will be output.
The definitions of domains will be output.
NAME = *ALL(...)
The definitions of all domains will be output.
EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of domains specified here will not be output.
NAME = <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the named domain, or of those whose names match the wildcard search criteria, will be output.
The definitions of commands will be output.
NAME = *ALL(...)
The definitions of all commands will be output.
EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of commands specified here will not be output.
NAME = <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the named commands, or of those whose names match the wildcard search criteria, will be output.
The definitions of programs will be output.
NAME = *ALL(...)
The definitions of all programs will be output.
EXCEPT = *NONE / <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of programs specified here will not be output.
NAME = <structured-name 1..30 with-wild> /list-poss(2000): <structured-name 1..30>
The definitions of the named programs, or of those whose names match the wildcard search criteria, will be output.
Determines which of the definitions belonging to the specified object will be output.
The definition of the specified object will be output together with the definitions of all objects assigned to the specified object (in other words: domain with associated commands, program with associated statements, command with associated operands).
The definition of the specified object will be output without the definitions of the objects assigned to the specified object (in other words: domain without associated commands, program without associated statements, command without associated operands).
The definition of the specified object will be output together with the definitions of the objects immediately assigned to the specified object, i.e. application areas and programs are output with the associated commands and statements respectively, but without the associated operands and operand values. In the case of commands, *IMMEDIATE has the same effect as *YES.
Determines the scope of the output. The exact effect of the SIZE operand depends on the OBJECT operand. The SIZE operand has no effect on the output of global information. The following information is output for OBJECT=*COMMAND:
Output will include the command name, all associated operand names, all associated default values, and the structure-initiating operand values. Additional information on the operand values and help texts will be omitted.
Output will include the command name, all associated operand names, all associated default values, and all other associated operand values. Additional information on the operand values and help texts will also be output.
Output will include the command name, all associated operand names, all associated default values, and all other associated operand values. Additional information on the operand values and help texts will be omitted.
Determines how the output is edited.
The definitions of the specified objects are output in a manual-oriented layout. The operands with the value PRESENCE=*INTERNAL-ONLY are not listed here.
Determines whether output is to include definitions of objects which are prohibited for guided dialog.
The definitions will be included.
The definitions will not be included.
LANGUAGE = E / <name 1..1>
Determines the language in which help texts are output (E=English, D=German). This operand has no effect for global information.
LINES-PER-PAGE = *STD / *UNLIMITED(...) <integer 1..200>
Determines the number of lines per page. The count does not include the two header lines that SDF-U generates for each new page. The header is only generated if OUTPUT=*SYSLST is specified.
The default value is 24 lines for screen output and 55 lines for output to a file.
No check by SDF-U (no header is created).
Defines which characters are output at the beginning of the line.
The first character in each line is a blank.
Two slashes (//) are output at the start of each line.
This entry can be used together with IMPLEMENTATION=*YES to create SDF-U statements which can be used to restore a syntax file or a syntax file object.
Determines the output medium for the desired information.
Output is directed to the logical system file, which is usually the screen in interactive mode.
Output is directed to the logical system file SYSLST.
SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / <integer 1..99>
Determines the number of the logical system file SYSLST. If *STD is specified, the logical system file SYSLST receives no number.
LINE-LENGTH = *STD / <integer 72..132>
Determines the output line length.
The default value is 74 characters for screen output and 72 characters for output to a file.
PRIVILEGE = *ANY / list-poss(64): <structured-name 1..30>
Only objects to which at least one of the privileges that appear in the list is assigned are output. If *ANY is specified, the objects are listed irrespective of their privileges.