Included in the SESAM/SQL-Server delivery is the demonstration database ORDERCUST. The structure of this SESAM/SQL database is described in section “Structure of the demonstration database”.
The examples in the SESAM/SQL-SERVER manuals refer to the ORDERCUST database.
You will find the fully structured database in the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB.
The library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB contains all the components that you need to try out the examples in the manuals yourself as well as to develop your own applications within a clearly structured environment.
The following components are present in the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB:
Readme files with an overview of all the present files and a detailed introduction to using the database
Start procedures to start the necessary SESAM/SQL programs
The files of the constructed database ORDERCUST
Instruction files and ESQL-COBOL programs with runtime examples of important database statements