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Starting the demonstration database

Do the following to start the demonstration database:

  1. Prepare the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB and adapt it to the runtime environment:

    While some components of the demonstration database can be addressed as library members, the spaces in the ORDERCUST database, configuration files and load files containing user data must be copied to an operating ID.

    In addition, a number of the parameters in the supplied procedures, for example the system file IDs, are dependent on the chosen runtime environment.

    The Readme file in the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB contains a detailed description of all the steps that are necessary before you first start the database.

  2. Starting the DBH:

    The Data Base Handler (DBH) is the SESAM/SQL component that analyzes, executes and coordinates all the database accesses in a DBH session.

    To start the DBH, use the procedure supplied in the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB.

    For more information on using the DBH, see the “ Database Operation” manual.

  3. Starting SESADM (optional):

    You may want to start the SESADM administration program to administer the DBH.

    To do this, use the procedure supplied in the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB.

    For more information on using the SESADM administration program, see the “ Database Operation” manual.

  4. Starting the Utility Monitor:

    You use the Utility Monitor's menu-based interface to administer a database.

    To start the Utility Monitor, use the procedure supplied in the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB.

    For more information on using the Utility Monitor, see the “ Utility Monitor” manual.

You can now access the database via the Utility Monitor menus.