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SDF standard statement STEP

The SDF standard statement STEP marks a section of administration statements within a SESADM input file in procedure or batch mode.

In the event of a faulty statement, the spin-off mechanism is triggered. This means that all subsequent statements up to the next STEP statement are ignored. If no STEP statement is found before the END statement, SESADM is terminated with a warning.

If syntax errors occur in all SESADM statement or semantic errors occur in the SESADM statement PREPARE-FOREIGN-COPY, statement input can be continued with the next statement section.

Syntax errors

The example below shows the use of the STEP statement in the case of syntax errors.

// NUMBER-RECORDS=12345678 -
  1. Each of the first two statements contains a syntax error. A specific message is output, and it is displayed that all statement will be skipped until STEP is recognized (message CMD0230). As this fact is already reported by SDF, no further message to this effect is issued by SESADM. Only message SEA7003 is issued which displays the syntax error.

  2. This statement with correct syntax is always executed.

Semantic errors in PREPARE-FOREIGN-COPY

In the case of the following semantic errors in the PREPARE-FOREIGN-COPY statement, the statement sequence continues with the next STEP statement:

  • The file specified with SPACE-NAMES does not exist (message SEA7026)

  • The file specified with SPACE-NAMES is empty (message SEA7027)

  • The file specified with SPACE-NAMES contains more than 999 lines (message SEA7028)

  • The file specified with SPACE-NAMES contains formally incorrect space names (message SEA7029)

  • A DMS error occurred in the file specified with SPACE-NAMES (message SEA7030)

If no subsequent STEP exists, SESADM terminates with a warning message (SEZ4603).

In addition to the specific message, SESADM shows in message SEA7034 that all statements up to the next STEP or END will be skipped.