Like the independent DBH, SESDCN runs in BS2000 as a separate task and should preferably be started as a batch job.
The execution phase of SESDCN exists as a link and load module (LLM) called SESDCN and is started with the START-SESAM-DCN command (see section “Starting SESAM/SQL programs via start commands”).
The SESDCN distribution component is parametrized at startup by means of SESDCN control statements. These contain the DCN options and the distribution rule for SESDCN. The SESDCN control statements are not described in this section. You will find a detailed description of them in a separate section of this chapter (see section “SESDCN control statements”).
SESAM/SQL-DCN share modules
You can administer parts of SESAM/SQL-DCN as share modules and load them on a shareable basis or as subsystems. You will find information on this in section “SESAM/SQL share modules”.