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Problem Solutions and Tips

When operation is disrupted, please notify Customer Support. On no account should you attempt to make repairs yourself! The following sections describe irregularities which can be observed on the disk storage subsystem in case of faults.

Power supply status LED (front)

If the power supply status LED is green the device is switched on and the power supply and at least one power supply unit are OK. When the power supply status LED remains dark, the power supply units may be defective:


Check the power supply units’ LEDs.

Identification status LED

When the identification status LED is on, this means this LED was switched on to identify the system. There is no fault.

Fault status LED

When the fault status LED lights up during ongoing operation, this means that a fault has been detected.


Please notify Customer Support.

Status LED of the hard disk drive does not light up


Please notify Customer Support.

The drives were indicated as dead when the system started up


Please notify Customer Support.