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Managing the IP configuration of the Application Unit

When managing the IP configuration, there are differences between Application Units PY and Application Units PQ.

Managing IP configuration of an Application Unit PY

You manage the IP configuration of an AU PY using the associated Management menu, IP configuration tab.


Select Hardware -> Units -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (AU<model>) -> Management, IP configuration tab.

The IP configuration tab displays the groups Host name, IP network, Access data (only for AU with the VMware vSphere, Microsoft HyperV or Citrix XenServer operating system), and iRMC Access data.

The following functions are available:

Updating network data

You can cause the current data to be determined again and the display to be updated.


In the IP network group click the Update network data icon and confirm the action.

A dialog with the Automatic update option is opened:


If the AU is connected via MONPR01 IPv6, select Yes and confirm the action.


If the AU is connected via MANPU or MONPR01 IPv4, select No and enter the IP address.

Changing access data of the Application Unit

You can change the access data of the Application Unit only if the Application Unit is operated with the VMware vSphere, Microsoft HyperV or Citrix XenServer operating system.


In the Access data group, click the Change AU password icon for the required account, change the account / password in the subsequent dialog box, and confirm the action.

Changing access data of the Application Unit's iRMC access

The hardware status is determined for all Application Units using the iRMC. When the password on the iRMC is changed, you must also change the password here.


In the iRMC Access data group, click the Change IP address and password icon by the required IP address iRMC, change the IP address iRMC or the Password and confirm the action.

semuser is permanently assigned as account. An account with this name must be created in the iRMC of the AU. The account must have the LAN Channel Privilege Administrator and Serial Channel Privilege User rights.

Also see "Status monitoring via the iRMC of the Application Unit" in the appendix of the online help.

Managing IP configuration of an Application Unit PQ

IP configuration of an AU PQ is distributed to the Chassis and Partition levels.

At chassis level, access to the Management Board is configured centrally:


Select Hardware -> Units -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (<AU PQ model>) -> Management, IP configuration tab.

In the Management Board access data area you can change the IP address and password.

The account semuser is permanently assigned. The account must be configured in the web UI of the Management Board and have the admin privilege for the Remote Server Management.

At partition level access to the particular partition's system is configured:


Select Hardware -> Units -> [<se server> (SE<model>) ->] <unit> (<AU PQ model>) -> <partition> -> Management, IP configuration tab.

In the IP network area you can update network data analogously to AU PY (see "Updating network data").