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Selecting a task


You select a task in a SLED or SNAP by overwriting the “SYS” field in the LIST mask. You can enter the permitted combinations of ASEL and ASID (see "Input fields of a standard dump window (W4 - W9 and W21 - W99)").
If a task is specified, only the task-specific areas of this task are output (as if a system dump had been generated for this task).

In the LIST mask it is also possible to enter the keyword *ALL or *ERR when entering a TSN.


For a SLED or SNAP file, task editing is performed for all active tasks instead of just the areas of the error task selected by DAMP, as is normally the case.


causes a search to be started for the possible error task by means of the DIAG pre-diagnosis routine. This entry is equivalent to marking YES in the DIAG field (see "Fields for pre-diagnosis and error descriptors").