The contents of program control blocks (PCB) are displayed in the stack window (W3). Every address field contained in the stack window can be marked.
The following applies to system, user or area dumps:
In order to view the first PCB of this task, you only need to press the or key. This causes the stack window (W3) to be displayed with the contents of the first PCB (default value).
If you want to view the contents of another PCB, first press either the or key. This produces the status window (W2) containing the PCB list. Mark the line with the desired PCB and then press the key. The stack window (W3) with the contents of the marked PCB will now be displayed.
If a SLED or SNAP is available, a task must first be selected. Task 1 is set by default. You select a task by marking a task line in the status window (W2) and sending it off with
. This causes the PCB list for the marked task to be displayed in the status window. Marking the line containing the desired PCB and then hitting the causes the stack window (W3) with the contents of the marked PCB to be displayed.The data to which the registers of the PCB refer can be displayed by marking the program counter or an address field in the PCB registers. Subsequently hitting one of the program keys
to assigns the marked address to a dump window. Alternatively the dump window can be selected using the MODIFY-SCREEN-LAYOUT statement or by specifying the window number (4...9, 21...99) in the command line and transferring it with .Up to six addresses can be marked and assigned to dump windows at any one time. To do this, the MODIFY-SCREEN-LAYOUT statement must first be entered, e.g. as follows:
This causes the windows to be displayed in the specified order and with the specified sizes. Subsequently marking three address fields of the PCB and hitting the
key causes the marked addresses to be assigned to dump windows W4, W5 and W6.If you want to output the TPR program manager information instead of the PCB information, enter
“SLK” in the “Mode select” input field of the status window (W2) (see "The status window (W2)") or
“SPL” in the “Stack select” input field of the stack window (W3).