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SHOW-OUTPUT mask - Output message units and additional information



The SHOW-OUTPUT mask is called after the SHOW mask. The information on the selected message units is output together with the documentation lines to SYSOUT (and SYSLST) in the order shown below.
If the information is output to SYSOUT, it is possible to page backwards and forwards through the message file being displayed (see "SHOW-OUTPUT mask - Output message units and additional information").

If message units from several message classes are displayed, the message classes appear in alphabetical order.
  1. Message class
    A new message class is indicated by an appropriate text, e.g. “Message Class: This text appears in a three-line area, enclosed by “#” characters.

  2. component identification
    Appears only for standard messages (internal).

  3. message units
    The contents of a message unit are displayed in the following order:

      • Message attributes

      • Insert attributes
        Language identifier Message texts (and, if defined, meaning and response texts) are displayed for each language.

      • Language identifier
        Message texts (and, if defined, meaning and response texts) are displayed for each language.
        The “^” separators in the displayed message text have already been converted, i.e. the text that follows “^” starts on a new line.
        The sequence of the languages depends on the order in which the language identifiers were entered in the SHOW mask; if no language has been entered, the language identifiers are displayed in alphabetical order.

  4. Documentation lines

  5. Correction information
    Only displayed for standard messages (internal).

Mask (example)

Three message units (AAA0001 to AAA0003) were defined in message file
:N:$USER0001.TESTFILE with message, meaning and response texts.
The three message units are to be output to SYSOUT. The message units are edited for output and the total edited information scaled at 100%. The subsequent screen output is the third of a total of four outputs. The information area of the screen indicates that 76% of the edited information volume has already been output.

Output fields

In the information area

File (name of the message file)

Name of the message file whose contents are displayed.

XX% (information volume in %)

The selected message range of a message file is formatted before being displayed. 0% indicates the start and 100% the end of the edited information.

AAA (message class of the displayed information)

The message class is displayed on output of the first message code within a message class or when documentation lines are output.

AAAXXXX (message code of the first message unit visible in the work area)

A seven-character message code refers to the message unit that is still partially visible in the upper work area.

In the work area

If a new message class is displayed, it is preceded by a three-line comment (see “Function”).

AAAXXXX (message code of the information being displayed)

The letters AAA stand for the message class, XXXX for the message number.


(MIP access method)


(message output destinations)


(message warranty)

Routing Code

(routing code)

Text Format

(format of the text when output via the MSG7X macro or the /HELP-MSG-INFORMATION command)


(message priority)

Insert attributes

(name and default text of the defined inserts)

In addition to the insert number, the insert name is output in the Name field and the default text in the Default Value field, enclosed in single quotes.

The single quotes are not part of the default text. Entry of two successive single quotes '' in the Default Value field corresponds to the specification of DEFAULT-VALUE=*EMPTY-STRING.

The insert name is always output in uppercase letters. This name is a component of the S variable which the user can declare. The default text forms the default contents of this S variable. Further information is provided in the "Introduction to System Administration” [5 (Related publications)].

The field Automatic Help indicates whether the automatic help function is available. If a message code or part of a message code is output using an insert (e.g. in the case of DMS errors only the message number is output), the automatic help function causes MIP to output the associated message text in addition to the message code. For further information refer to "ADD-MSG - Add message unit".

In addition to the language identifier, the message text is displayed. The inserts are not replaced in the message text.

This is followed by the meaning text (indicated by ?) and response text (indicated by !).


AAAXXXX - AAAXXX (message range)

Owner name

(person responsible for these messages)


(team responsible for these messages)

The comment line is the end of the documentation for every message range.

For standard message files of the manufacturer, the component identification is also output.






(component name)

(area of application)

(component version)

(person or team responsible for this component)

(release date of the message file)

In the command area

More (- + <>> partial-id*)

The following options are available for paging through the information displayed:

- or +              

Displays the previous or next mask.

-i or +i

Scrolls the screen contents backwards or forwards by i lines.

- or ++

Pages to the start or end of the formatted information.


Pages to the start of an item of information (message unit, documentation) if another part of this information item is currently being displayed. If the start of the information item is already displayed, “<” pages to the start of the previous item of information.


pages to the start of the next information item.


Pages to the start of the message class currently being displayed. If the start of the message class is already displayed, “<<” pages to the start of the previous message class.


Pages to the start of the next message class or, if there are no more message classes, to the end of the formatted information.


If partial-id is more than 3 characters:
Pages to the first message unit whose message code matches the partial message code specified. If no message code matches this partial message code, the first message unit following the partial message code is displayed. This message unit may also belong to a new message class.

If partial-id is less than or equal to 3 characters:
Pages to the first message unit of the specified message class (e.g. >TST*) or to the following class (e.g. TSU). If there are no more message classes, the end of the formatted text is displayed.

The character * is not mandatory.

If a statement is entered in the command area to modify a message unit displayed (e.g. DELETE-MSG), the formatted information on this message unit is not updated, i.e. modifications made within the message unit do not appear on the screen. The display is not updated until the next time the SHOW mask is called.

For further information on

Follow-on operations:


-> ?

+/- DUE

Pages backward and forward in the formatted information (for more details, see "SHOW-OUTPUT mask - Output message units and additional information")


Quits the SHOW-OUTPUT mask; the original SHOW mask is displayed.