This manual is laid out as follows:
This chapter describes some basic concepts and the functionality of the individual components of interNet Services.SSL/TLS
This chapter describes aspects of communications security on the Internet and the fundamentals of cryptography, and provides an overview of SSL/TLS. The chapter also explains what must be borne in mind when applying for and creating certificates.FTP
This chapter describes the client and server functionality offered by interNet Services in BS2000 from a user-oriented standpoint. It also includes detailed descriptions of the client commands with illustrative examples and the configuration of the FTP client with the help of an option file.FTAC interface
This chapter describes the use of the FTAC interface for FTP and provides details on the FTAC command interface.TELNET
This chapter describes the client and server functionality of TELNET from a user-oriented standpoint. It also includes detailed descriptions of the client commands with illustrative examples and the configuration of the FTP client with the help of an option file.OpenSSH
This chapter describes the structure and client applications of OpenSSH. The basic utilities of OpenSSH are also explained.Mail Reader in BS2000
This chapter describes the functionality of the Mail Reader.Mail Sender in BS2000
This chapter describes the control of the Mail Sender by means of SDF commands and the ASSEMBLER macro interface or the C interface (include files). It also contains a detailed description of the configuration of the Mail Sender using the Mail Sender frontend (user option file).Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
This chapter describes the questions most frequently asked by interNet Services users and gives practical tips on problem solving.