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Defining a cluster in WebAdmin


No explicit definition of a cluster object is required in WebAdmin. You declare a cluster node application in WebAdmin in the usual manner (host object, application object, UPIC connection). The application is then initially listed as a standalone application in an open collection. The first time that contact is successfully established between WebAdmin and the application (e.g. by explicitly checking availability), WebAdmin identifies that the application is a cluster node application. The application is then removed from the standalone section and displayed in the UTM Clusters section instead. WebAdmin then reads the cluster node data of the UTM application which it has just successfully contacted and (if this has not already been done) automatically creates the WebAdmin objects of the other node applications belonging to the cluster (i.e. hosts, applications and UPIC connections). These objects are automatically written to the configuration database and are therefore already present when the next program session begins. In addition, all the cluster node applications are automatically transferred into the currently open collection and are displayed in the 'Node Applications' section of the cluster's primary page.

It is therefore advisable to explicitly define the WebAdmin objects (host object, application object, UPIC connection) of only one cluster node application. The respective WebAdmin objects of the other cluster node applications are then automatically generated by WebAdmin as described above.

WebAdmin can implicitly generate the objects required for the other cluster node applications due to the fact that a cluster's individual cluster node applications are generated in the same way and any other data that is required (e.g. the name of the computer on which the node applications are running) is present in the cluster node data of each individual node application.

The checks described here are always performed when a UTM (cluster node) application has been successfully contacted during a program session. This ensures that the applications of newly generated cluster nodes are also automatically added to WebAdmin and do not have to be explicitly added by the user.