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UPIC users in the UTM cluster


If the UTM cluster was generated with MULTI-SIGNON=NO, then a different UPIC user must be used for each node application to communicate with WebAdmin. Otherwise an attempt to establish a connection from WebAdmin to one of the node applications could be rejected because the respective UPIC user that WebAdmin wants to use to sign on to UTM is still signed on to UTM.

The simplest way of avoiding such problems is to generate a USER conforming with the name pattern <UserNamePrefix><nn> for each node application. Here, <UserNamePrefix> is a freely selectable name prefix up to six characters long. <nn> is a two-digit number in the range between '01' and the total number of generated cluster nodes.

If six cluster nodes have been generated, then the following six USERs could be generated for communication with WebAdmin:

When contact has been successfully established with a node application belonging to a cluster, WebAdmin checks whether the UPIC user specified for the UPIC connection to the node application complies with the above name convention. In particular, it checks the number indicated in the last two characters of the name. If this part of the name matches the index of the respective node application, when importing the other node applications WebAdmin assigns the UPIC users of these connections in accordance with the convention.The index of the cluster node can be determined indirectly from the KDCDEF input used for cluster generation. The first cluster node specified ('CLUSTER-NODE' statement) has the index 1, the second has the index 2, etc.

If WebAdmin successfully establishes contact with the node application with index 3 and if the UPIC user for the connection has the name 'WEBADM03', then WebAdmin assigns the UPIC users 'WEBADM01', 'WEBADM02', 'WEBADM04' etc. for the remaining node applications to be imported.

As an alternative to this automated method of assigning UPIC users, they can of course also be modified manually after the node applications have been imported by WebAdmin. To do this, choose the 'Current UPIC Connection' function of a node application and change the UPIC user accordingly.