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Linking with a makefile (Unix and Linux systems)

For your application program, you can create a makefile by implementing application-specific changes to the makefile of the sample application supplied with openUTM.

The sample application can be found in the CPIO archive utm-directory/CPIO.utmsample following the installation. You can copy the sample program with the utm-directory/shsc/install.sample procedure to the user ID under which your UTM application is also to run. Use the p/config procedure to create a configuration of the sample application that corresponds to your application. The makefile makefile of this sample application can then be modified and extended for your application; see the online documentation for the sample application.

If you want to link to a database, specify the database system used and the required configuration in the p/config run. The makefile created by p/config then generally contains all the necessary modules and libraries for the database link. The library lists are created under .liblists/ORACLE or .liblists/ORACLECOB.
More details on linking a UTM database application can be found in chapter "UTM database application".