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Instruction files and ESQL-COBOL programs

Some of the most important components of the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB consist of statement files and ESQL-COBOL programs. In these, the examples from the manuals are combined in a topic-specific way to produce executable demonstrations.

If an example is accompanied by the symbol on the left, this means that it is present
as a component in an instruction file or an ESQL-COBOL program in the library

The instruction files and ESQL-COBOL programs cover the following topics:


Runtime environment

Reconstructing the ORDERCUST database

Instruction file

Loading user data in the ORDERCUST database

Instruction file

Unloading user data in different data formats

Instruction file

Focus on DDL statements

Instruction file

Focus on DML statements

Instruction file

Focus on utility statements

Instruction file

Focus on innovations in SESAM/SQL-Server V3.2, V4.0, V5.0,
V6.0, V7.0, V8.0, and V9.0

Instruction files

Focus on partitioned tables

Instruction file

Focus on Unicode tables

Instruction file

Focus on procedures and User Defined Functions (UDFs)

Instruction files

Selecting records from a table

ESQL-COBOL program

Inserting records in a table

ESQL-COBOL program

Changing records of a table

ESQL-COBOL program

Deleting records from a table

ESQL-COBOL program

Using dynamic SQL

ESQL-COBOL program

Working with BLOB objects

ESQL-COBOL program

Use of procedures and User Defined Functions (UDFs)

ESQL-COBOL program

Do the following to start the instruction files and ESQL programs:

  • Instruction files:
    In the Utility Monitor, open the IFP - INSTRUCTION FILE PROCESSING screen and enter the name of the instruction file.

  • ESQL-COBOL program files
    Use the supplied procedure to start the ESQL-COBOL programs. Alongside the executable programs, the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB also contains the source programs and the procedures required to compile and link a source program.

The Readme file in the library SIPANY.SESAM-SQL.<ver>.MAN-DB contains more detailed descriptions of all the necessary steps.

You can develop new instruction files and ESQL-COBOL programs in the EDT editor and save these as library members in the same way as the existing files.