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Starting SESADM

SESADM runs in BS2000 as a separate task. Accordingly, you can start SESADM in interactive or batch mode. You can also call SESADM from the utility monitor (see the “ Utility Monitor” manual).

You can also access the administration program SESADM from the World Wide Web, see "Administration using SESADM".

Sequence of commands for starting SESMON







  1. Assigns the SESADM input file. You only need to enter this command if you are entering the SESADM statements from an input file.

  2. Assigns a configuration file which can contain as a parameter the name of the configuration under which SESADM is to run, for example. This command is optional and it is one of the ways to assign the configuration file (see the “ Core manual”).

  3. Starts the administration program with the start command START-SESAM-ADMINISTRATION (see section “Starting SESAM/SQL programs via start commands” ).