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Information on the performance and utilization of the DANPU ports

An overview of the performance and utilization of the ports belonging to the network is provided by the Performance tab.


Select Hardware -> IP networks -> Data Network Public -> [<se server>(SE<model>) ->] DANPU<no>, Performance tab.

Three views are displayed on the Performance tab:

  • The Uplink performance view provides information relating to the performance and utilization of the connection ports to customer networks.

  • The ISL performance view provides information relating to the performance and utilization of the network's ISL ports (ISL = Inter Switch Link Protocol).

  • The Unit performance view provides information relating to the performance and utilization of the network's units (members).

The maximum and the current data throughput rate (in MB/s) and the utilization (in %) are displayed for each port (for each connection) listed in the various views. A distinction is made between the send and receive directions for data throughput and utilization.

In the case of redundant networks the two ports used for the redundant connections and their performance are displayed one after the other in a table row.